Division Committees

Conference Screening Committee
The Conference Screening Committee is responsible for soliciting technical meeting proposals and recommending host organizations for division-sponsored or co-sponsored technical meetings to the Executive Committee.

Executive Committee
The Executive Committee manages the Thermal Hydraulics Division, acting as its governing body with the authority to make decisions on all matters, ensuring compliance with the Society's bylaws and rules.

Honors & Awards Committee
The Honors and Awards Committee identifies candidates for Society and Division awards and Fellow nominations, recommending these candidates to the Executive Committee for recognition.

Membership Committee
The Membership Committee is responsible for promoting the advantages of Thermal Hydraulics Division membership to qualified candidates, ensuring the growth and engagement of the Division's membership base.

Nominating Committee
The Nominating Committee is responsible for nominating candidates for the Division Executive Committee, Division Officers, and all Division Committees.

Program Committee
The Program Committee is primarily responsible for planning meetings and sessions sponsored by the Thermal Hydraulics Division, selecting session chairs and meeting officers, and liaising with the National Program Committee of the American Nuclear Society.

Scholarship Committee
The Scholarship Committee supports the selection of recipients for all THD-funded scholarships.
Last modified October 1, 2024, 10:45am CDT