Minutes of the ANS Thermal Hydraulic Division Executive Committee

August 3, 1996
Houston, Texas


Members (See Attachment 1) and guests in attendance were Jens Anderson, Riccardo Bonazza (guest), Bill Cheung, Yassin Hassan, Barclay Jones, Gunol Kojasoy, Necdet Kurul (guest representing Mike Podowski), Per Peterson, Martin Pilch, Jose Reyes, Theo Theofanous, Cetin Unal, Gary Wilson

Michael Corradini, Mamoru Ishii, Tom Larson, Jose March-Leuba, and Mike Podowski were excused from the meeting.


The meeting was brought to order Saturday evening at 7:20 pm by Gunol Kojasoy. He reviewed the list of individuals recently elected to the executive committee: Mamoru Ishii, Martin Pilch, Jose Reyes and Theo Theofanous. Upon discussion it was determined there were no new items to be added to the agenda shown on Attachment 2.

Minutes from November 1995 Meeting

The minutes from the October 29, 1995 Executive Committee meeting were discussed and approved as submitted.

Action Items from Previous Executive Committee Meeting

The subject discussions and actions are summarized as follows:

  1. Action Item - Mike Corradini will contact student organizations who might need funding support for sending students to THD conferences.
    Discussion - Item tabled until discussion of Treasurer's report.
  2. Action Item - Mike Podowski will review the past records of the THD to determine how the best paper awards were addressed in prior meetings.
    Discussion - In correspondence prior to this meeting Mike Podowski reported that two awards had been presented in 1995; one for best paper in NURETH-7, and one for best paper in all other THD sponsored meetings. However, upon review of the bylaws it was determined they are specific in calling for only one best paper award per year for all THD sponsored meetings. There was general member consensus that the division must follow the bylaw requirements in future.
  3. Action Item - Gunol Kojasoy will continue searching for a way of nominating Novak Zuber to the National Academy of Engineers.
    Discussion - Gunol Kojasoy reported the effort was not successful this year, and that he will continue to pursue the matter, but needs member help where possible. Theo Theofanous pointed out that the nominations are initiated by the current members and consequently reflect their agendas. Accordingly, any personal contact that can be executed by THD members are likely to be instrumental in success.
  4. Action Item - Mike Podowski will further define the new format for the one-hour lecture type presentation of the technical achievement award agreed to by the committee at the last meeting.
    Discussion - Per Peterson confirmed he will initiate the new format at the 1996 winter meeting.
  5. Action Item - Gunol Kojasoy and Mike Podowski will review the bylaws and past procedures for clarifying the correct composition (and procedures to effect) of the Honors and Awards Committee..
    Discussion - The bylaws are specific that the committee will consist of seven members, and the attributes that must be reflected in the committee. Accordingly, the following action item was accepted:
  6. Action Item 1: Per Peterson will initiate the process of bring the Honors and Awards Committee membership into compliance with the bylaws. The initial action will be to make one three year appointment of a qualified THD member.

Treasurer's Report

Per Peterson reviewed the report that had been sent in advance of the meeting1 and reproduced here as Attachment 3. He noted that the division treasurer should prepare a proposed 1997 budget, incorporate this in the standard forms that must be submitted to ANS HQ, and submit to the Executive Committee members for approval at the 1996 ANS Winter Meeting in November.

Program Committee Report

Bill Cheung provided the following summary of deliberations from the THD Program Committee meeting conducted just prior to the Executive Committee meeting. The session topics and assigned session chairmen for the 1997 National Heat Transfer Conference (Baltimore MD) are:

         Topic                                     Chairmen     
Scaling and Simulation                        Jose Reyes & Wolfgang Wulff
Severe Accident Fundamentals                  Theo Theofanous & Martin Pilch
Instrumentation and Measurements              Gunol Kojasoy & Per Peterson
Two-phase Flow Modeling                       Mamoru Ishii & Bill Cheung
Transients Dynamics in Two-phase Flow         Mike Podowski & (TBD)
Challenging Intense Heat Transfer Problems    Cetin Unal & (TBD)
Direct Numerical Simulation                   Vijay Dhir and Victor Ransom

The previously proposed session entitled Fundamental Aspects of Radioactive Waste Management was moved to the 1997 ANS Winter meeting.

The previously proposed session entitled Multi-dimensional Effects in Thermal Hydraulics was deleted.

International Topical Meetings

Per Peterson provided information related to NURETH-8 and NURETH-9 as follows.

NURETH-8 Progress Report (Kyoto, Japan, September 30 - October 4, 1997) A progress report had been supplied by Yutaka Kukita at the ANS Summer meeting in Reno. Because of a limited response (particularly from the US) to the call for papers by June 15, 1996 the paper abstract acceptance date was extended to July 15, 1996. Consequently, the final results now included 290 submitted abstracts, including 37 from the US. The progress on all other organizational elements is considered satisfactory.

NURETH-9 Host Proposals Three proposals were received from local ANS Sections: Idaho, San Francisco and Washington State. These proposals were reviewed by an Executive Subcommittee composed of Ron Duffey, Yassin Hassan, Gunol Kojasoy, Mike Podowski (Chairman) and Jose March-Leuba. The Subcommittee was unanimous in judging: First Place - San Francisco Section, Second Place - Idaho Section.

A motion was made, seconded and passed to accept the Subcommittee recommendation and award NURETH-9 to the San Francisco Section. However, during the discussion it was noted that the Subcommittee report2 available to the full Executive Committee did not include the details of the evaluations, such as evaluation criteria, individual and composite evaluation scores, etc. Therefore the following action item was assigned and accepted:

Action Item 2: Per Peterson will request that the NURETH-9 Proposal Evaluation Subcommittee write to the three sections telling them of the results of the selection process. The Subcommittee is requested to include copies of the scores assigned for each of the proposals, with the names of the reviewers whited out, so that the local sections can study and improve their efforts for subsequent bids. The Subcommittee is also requested to note to the Idaho Section that their bid was excellent, and that the Section will be asked to submit again for NURETH-10.

Honors and Awards Subcommittee Report

Gunol Kojasoy provided the following information:

The Honors and Awards Subcommittee recommends that the 1995 Technical Achievement award be given to Theo Theofanous (See footnote 2). A motion was made, seconded and passed unanimously to accept the recommendation.

The Subcommittee report (See footnote 2) recommends:

The following paper be given the best paper award for 1995 from all THD sponsored meetings, except NURETH-8:

C. Liu and T. Theofanous, Film Boiling on Spheres in Single and Two-Phase Flows - Part I: Experimental Studies and Part II: Theoretical Study.

The following paper be given the best paper award for NURETH-7:

X. M. Chen, V. E. Schrock and P. F. Peterson, Rayleigh-Taylor Instability of Cylindrical Jets with Radial Motion.

A motion was made, seconded and passed (Per Peterson and Theo Theofanous abstaining) to accept the Subcommittee recommendations. However, the following action item was developed to reflect Item 2 under Action Items from Previous Executive Committee Meeting above:

Action Item 3: In future the THD Executive Committee will conform to the ANS bylaw governing best paper awards; specifically only one award will presented per year.


The current Executive Committee members are shown on Attachment 1. The Program Committee membership and attendance record are shown on Attachment 4.

Old Business

Necdet Kurul provided a report and handout summarizing the progress made by the Subcommittee (Mike Podowski - Lead) established to develop and implement a THD Internet home page. Based upon the subsequent discussion, the following action items were assigned and accepted:

Action Item 4: The THD Home Page Subcommittee should continue to develop and implement the subject home page. It is desirable this action be completed in sufficient time to use the home page for 1997 Winter meeting paper reviews (i.e., before February 1997).

Action Item 5: All Executive Committee members should review, and send their comments to Necdet Kurul (kuruln@rpi.edu), particularly those related to the needed functionality of the home page.

Action Item 6: Necdet Kurul will send drafts of the home page to the Executive Committee members at those times when their input is need to proceed with the development and implementation.

Action Item 7: Necdet Kurul will contact all individuals who might be able to provide helpful experience in performing paper reviews via the Internet, particularly those in the ANS, but outside the THD, who are implementing (or are trying to) the same paper review capability.

New Business

There was no new business. Accordingly, with member concurrence, Gunol Kojasoy closed the meeting.