Minutes of the Program Committee Meeting

ANS Thermal Hydraulics Division

ANS Summer Meeting

Hyatt Regency Albuquerque

Albuquerque, NM

August 15, 1999

Attendees: Martin Bertodano, F. Bill Cheung, Whee Choe, Yassin Hassan, Jong Kim, Gunol Kojasoy, Necdet Kurel, Robert P. Martin, Marty Pilch, Michael Podowski, Jose Reyes, Per Peterson, Gary E. Wilson   Excused: T.K. Larson, Cetin Unal, T. Theofanous, G. Yadigaroglu, M. Ishii, W. Wulff  
1. Opening

The THD Program Committee Meeting was called to order by Jong Kim at 4:00 pm

2. Agenda

The proposed agenda was approved.

3. Minutes from the meeting of the ANS Winter Meeting, Marriott Wardman Park Hotel, Washington, D.C.

The minutes were approved.

4. Action Items from the November 1999 Meeting at the ANS Winter Meeting

Action Item 1: It was agreed that in the future we need to have the conference session organizers informed that they are charged with organizing the session, by the Program Committee Chair, and they need to be provided periodic reminders by email. (General). Resolved.

Action Item 2 Tom Larson will resurrect the attendance spreadsheet. Robert Martin <robert_martin@nfuel.com>, who was elected to the PC at the last meeting, should be added to the spreadsheet and Necdet Kurul add his name to the web page. Need to follow up with Tom Larson.

5. National/International Heat Transfer Conference Subcommittee

A substantial decline in attendance at the 1999 NHTC meeting at Albuquerque, with 200 papers compared to 339 papers at the 1997 meeting. ANS papers increased from 15 (1997) to 19 (1999).

Proposed ANS sessions for the 2000 NHTC, Aug. 20-22, Pittsburgh, PA:

    1. Transients and Dynamics in Two-Phase Flow (N. Kurul)
    2. Thermal Problems in Radioactive and Mixed Waste Management (C. Unal)
    3. Computational Fluid Dynamics in Two-Phase Flow (M. Bertodano)
    4. Fundamentals of Multiphase Flows (G. Kojasoy) (new session)
Co-sponsored sessions (to be confirmed):
    1. 51/52 Enhanced Heat Transfer (M. Podowski)
    2. 57 Experimental Studies in Multiphase Flows (J. Reyes)
    3. 212 Thermal Behavior of Advanced Reactors (ASME K-13, Y. Hassan)
    4. 210 Rod Bundle Heat Transfer (ASME K-13, R. Martin)
Schedule: Abstracts due to Program Chair September 30, 1999; abstracts distributed to each society Oct.15, 1999; Abstracts distributed to each session Oct. 22, 1999; Session organizers notify authors on acceptance of abstract Nov. 1, 1999; Authors submit full paper to session organizer Dec. 15, 1999; Reviews sent back to organizers Feb. 15, 2000; Notification of paper acceptance to authors, Feb. 22, 2000; Authors submit final paper and copyright form to ASME, Mar. 25, 2000; Session organizers submit final M&P 1337 to Program Chair, Mar. 31, 2000.

2001 NHTC will most likely be "co-located" with an AIAA meeting, scheduled for late June, place not yet decided, options include Anaheim, Las Vegas, Seattle.

6. National Meetings

Extensive discussion occurred on the ANS policy to require support of at least 3 sessions at each (summer and winter) meeting. The committee agreed that the THD can not do this for the Summer meeting, due to our important commitment to the NHTC. The division will therefore accept whatever financial penalty occurs.

For the 1999 Winter Meeting, Long Beach,there are 22 summary papers, 4 sessions. Review of the THD summaries was done electronically and the ‘folders’ were prepared at INEEL and Fed Exed to the paper review meeting in Long Beach. The original sessions proposed are:

1) Archiving of Thermal Hydraulic Data (Bob Henry, Jose Reyes, Mike Corradini)

2) Thermal Hydraulics of Operating Reactors (Steve Bajorek, Dave Bessett)

3) General Thermal Hydraulics (Martin Bertadano, Cetin Unal)

Tom Larson has agreed to attend the organizing committee meeting for the upcoming 2000 Summer meeting (San Diego, June 4-8, 2000) and the 2000 Winter meeting (Washington, DC, Nov. 12-17, 2000).

The Summer 2000 meeting will have one general thermal hydraulics session.

For the 2000 Winter Meeting in Washington DC the proposed sessions are:

1) Thermal Hydraulics for Space Nuclear Power (Tom Larson, R. Singletary)

2) Thermal Hydraulics of Operating Reactors (Yassin Hassan, Steve Bajorek, Dave Bessett)

3) General Thermal Hydraulics (Robert Martin )

7. International Topical Meetings

Per Peterson provided an update on the NURETH-9 Meeting, to be held in San Francisco Oct. 3-8. 233 papers will be presented at the meeting. Preliminary programs have been distributed to authors. Current information on the conference is available at the conference web site http://www.nuc.berkeley.edu/NURETH9/NURETH9.html .

Action Item: Send email to participants that they should get hotel reservations before the Sept. 2 deadline. (Peterson)

8. Editorial Subcommittee Report

No report.

9. Membership Report

Tom Larson (by email) has recommended inviting Truc-Nam Dinh <nam@crss.ucsb.edu> to become active in the THD. The program committee voted to invite him to join the program committee.

Action Item: Send invitation letter to Dinh to join (J. Kim)

10. New Business

Jong Kim raised the question of foreign members to the THD, proposed having them organize a session on thermal hydraulics problems in foreign countries.

The meeting was adjourned.

Prepared by Per F. Peterson

Additional distribution:

Truc-Nam Dinh <nam@crss.ucsb.edu>